Workgroup Onboarding


A Workgroup exists within a broader environment that includes the internal and external resources needed to complete an end-to-end workflow. In Shuttle, this environment is known as the Ecosystem. An ecosystem can encompass systems of record, participants, external workgroups, networks, infrastructure and hosting environments. An ecosystem is provisioned, curated and managed by an Ecosystem Operator.

Shuttle features an intuitive onboarding guide for configuring your workgroup to your specific needs. Once a Workgroup has been created, you will be guided through the setup required to configure the workgroup and make it available for ecosystem use:

The steps listed below are intended for an Ecosystem Operator. If you are accepting a workgroup invite as a Participant, you may not have all the configuration options listed below.

1. Select a Vault

Sensitive data required for a workgroup is stored in an organizational vault in the form of encrypted secrets.

To continue, select the Organization vault created for you previously, read and agree to the terms of service, then click Continue.

2. Configure a System

Connecting a system using Shuttle allows for the bi-directional flow of data between the system and the PRVD stack, allowing for data exchange to and from a given system. In order to connect a system such as an ERP or CRM to Shuttle, you will need to configure the PRVD stack to communicate with the system.

For the purposes of this tutorial, we're not going to configure a system, so select Skip.

For a detailed guide on connecting a system, see the Systems page.

3. Define Domain Models

Domain models are the individual record structures for a given system. In Shuttle, they are used to define workstep triggers and align data elements between disparate data models amongst participants in a workgroup. When a record is created or changed in a connected system with a domain model defined in a workstep trigger, it will automatically execute the workstep and begin the zero-knowledge synchronization process including the specified participants.

There are two methods for defining domain models during Shuttle onboarding: manual creation and schema import (which requires a configured System). For the purposes of this tutorial, we will be using the manual creation method. For information on importing Schemas, visit the Systems page.

  1. Enter a model type or name and an optional description.

  2. Create a field name and select the field type in the dropdown menu.

  3. Select a Primary Key for the model, then click Save

  4. A list of domain models will be displayed. Click Continue to proceed to Network Layer configuration

4. Configure Network Layers

The Baseline Protocol recommends distributed networks as the single source of truth for storing zero-knowledge proofs that verify data synchronization. To reduce costs and increase throughput, the PRVD stack utilizes recursive zero-knowledge rollups deposited to a layered network structure.

In Shuttle, you must select your desired networks to indicate where the zk rollups will be deposited. The layer 1 network is where the zk-zk rollups will be deposited, and the layer 2 network is where the zk-rollups will be deposited. These proofs are generated in Provide Privacy, and multiple networks are used for decreasing transactional costs and increasing transactional throughput.

  1. For Layer 1, select Ethereum Kovan testnet from the dropdown selector.

  2. In the Layer 2 selector, choose Polygon Mumbai Testnet

  3. Read and agree to the privacy policy and click Save & Continue.

5. Connect Provide Payments

As of Shuttle v1.0.0, Provide Payments has not been made publicly available.

Provide Payments introduces a method for on-chain transaction settlement (zk-proofs) without requiring an organization to hold cryptocurrency.

This feature has not yet been released, so click Continue to review your workgroup configuration.

6. Review Configuration

The final step to completing workgroup onboarding is to read over and confirm your configurations. If you want to change anything, you can navigate to previous configuration menus by clicking on the desired step or the pencil icon to the right of each summary.

If everything seems in order, click Finish Onboardingto initialize your workgroup and get started with workflow creation.

Workflow Creation

Last updated