Workflow Creation


Shuttle features workflow and a no-code workflow designer that allows you to easily create and manage workflows based on configuring worksteps and their execution sequence.

1. Create a New Workflow

To create your first workflow, navigate to the workflows page via the Workflows tab in the menu bar and click the new workflow button on the upper right. This will open a form that specifies the workflow name, description, and version.

Enter a name and (optionally) provide a description for your workflow. The version field will be prefilled, so click the Save button to continue.

2. Design a Workflow

After entering the workflow information, you will be taken to the workflow designer, our no-code solution for defining the business processes to be synchronized. Here you will design the worksteps that correspond to the individual actions occurring in a connected system.

Click Add Workstep to configure your first workstep.

3. Configure a Workstep

A workstep is a prototype of one stepwise state transition contained in a Workflow. A Workstep contains a Prover that ingests data passed to the Workstep and outputs a zero-knowledge proof that can be used to verify synchronization of data amongst Workgroup participants.

Worksteps are useful for defining the real-world activities or operations to be used as synchronization check-points in a Workflow. They provide context for the data required to instantiate, populate and execute a zero-knowledge Prover,or circuit, as it relates to a corresponding business process.

To create a workstep:

  1. Enter a workstep name and optionally provide a description.

  2. Select the General Consistency circuit from the dropdown menu.

  3. Search for and select the domain model you created previously in the Select Domain Model input field.

  4. Select Save

Repeat this process until you have created a workflow that captures the business process you intend to synchronize. On the final workstep of your workflow, ensure that Requires Finality is checked. After saving the workstep, you'll notice that the Deploy button has turned blue.

Deploy the Workflow

To put a workflow you've created into use, it will need to be deployed. Deploying a workflow provisions it for use by the workgroup, allowing for the creation of Workflow Instances as workstep-defined triggering events occur. Once a workflow has been deployed, each record update corresponding to a workstep domain model

Once all worksteps have been configured (with the final workstep requiring finality) and you have reviewed each workstep to ensure that the configurations are correct, click the Deploy button to deploy your workflow.

Last updated