

While the Baseline Protocol standard defines a WorkflowInstance, the provisioning and management of these instances is left to the implementation provider. Shuttle and the PRVD stack introduce a Workflow staging layer that enables drafting, templating, deployment and automatic real-time generation of workflow instances. Once deployed, a Workflow is referenced as a prototype for the spawning of WorkflowInstance executions as qualifying trigger events occur.

Shuttles workflow management feature provides a detailed list of all workgroup workflows. By clicking the workflow name, you can edit or update a selected workflow in the Workflow Designer.

To create a new workflow, click the New Workflow button in the upper right corner of the workflow management screen.

Key Concepts


A Workflow is a prototype collection of stepwise Workstep prototypes corresponding to a real-world business process. Workflows provide a means of defining the relationships, rulesets and order of execution to be implemented in a baseline business process.


Workflows are composed of individual stepwise processes called worksteps. A workstep is characterized by input, the deterministic application of a set of logic rules and data to that input, and the generation of a verifiably deterministic and verifiably correct output. Worksteps output a proof by way of a prover. Additional information about worksteps can be found here.

Workflow Instance

A workflow instance is a real-time execution of a deployed workflow. Workflow instances are spawned when conditions specified in the first workstep trigger are met. A workflow is capable of spawning an infinite number of workflow instances.

Workstep Instance

A WorkstepInstance is a run-time execution of a deployed Workstep. All WorkstepInstance executions included in a WorkflowInstance are spawned when the conditions specified in the prime-workstep are met. A WorkstepInstance shares the same schema as a Workstep and is distinguishable by the presence of a value in the workstep_id field.

Workflow Status

Status is used to define the stages in a workflow lifecycle.


When updates are needed for a deployed Workflow, versioning is required to avoid conflicts with previously deployed iterations and related workflow instances. A Workflow is required to have a version in order to be deployed.

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