Workstep Configuration


A workstep is a prototype of one stepwise state transition contained in a Workflow. A Workstep contains a Prover that ingests data passed to the Workstep and outputs a zero-knowledge proof that can be used to verify synchronization of data amongst Workgroup participants.

Worksteps are useful for defining the real-world activities or operations to be used as synchronization check-points in a Workflow. They provide context for the data required to instantiate, populate and execute a zero-knowledge Prover as it relates to a corresponding business process.

When used in series, a verified claim from a previously derived proof can be used as input for a subsequent Workstep to ensure that a Workflow cannot be completed if all participants are not in sync. As additional worksteps are completed and a Workflow is completed, the proof derived from the exit-workstep provides verifiable proof of synchronization amongst all participants.

Configuring a Workstep

Workstep Name

  1. Enter a workstep name and optionally provide a description.

  2. Select the General Consistency circuit from the dropdown menu.

  3. If a workstep should require finality (post the resulting proof to a configured network), click the Requires Finality checkbox. Note: The final workstep in a workflow must require finality.

  4. Search for and select the domain model you created previously in the Select Domain Model input field.

  5. If you have added additional participants to a workgroup, you can define the participants allowed to execute this workstep in the Participants dropdown. If no participants are specified, all participants in the workgroup will be able to execute this workstep.

  6. Select Save

Repeat this process until you have created a workflow that captures the business process you intend to synchronize.

The final workstep in a workflow must reach finality.

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