Manual refresh token update

Updating the subject account refresh token JWT in SAP manually

The ZPRVDTENANTS table stores an encrypted refresh token used to generate access tokens to the PRVD stack web services. However, this refresh token does expire every 30 days. Here is how you can keep it up to date manually.

This process can also be used in place of the complete Shuttle onboarding in case you are not able to connect Shuttle to your on-premise SAP system.

Using the PRVD CLI and Postman

Open your command line and enter (this would be the same credential you've used in Shuttle)

prvd authenticate

You'll be prompted to enter your PRVD credentials. Once successful enter

prvd api_tokens init --organization {{YOUR_PRVD_ORG_ID_HERE}} --offline-access

This will generate an access token and refresh token.

As the refresh token can be a very long string - its helpful to populate the output to a file.

prvd api_tokens init --organization {{YOUR_PRVD_ORG_ID_HERE}} --offline-access > prvdorg.txt

Using the provide-abap Postman collection, copy/paste the refresh token to the prvdrefreshtoken environment variable. Update your PRVD Subject Account through the API call. Make sure the other Postman environment variables are maintained! HTTP status code 204 should be returned with the successful update.

If you don't have a baseline workgroup or subject account defined, that's ok. You can pass blank values in. This would allow you to use the smart contract example, but you would not be able to product baseline protocol messages as you would lack the required data.

From SAP Directly

Additional details forthcoming; under development

Last updated