Maintain inbound connectivity

SICF node activation

Immediately following the installation of provide-abap to your SAP system - activate the prvd SICF node.

Go to transaction code SICF - search prvd

right click this and select activate

Use the provided Postman collection for provide-abap if you would like to test and run the PRVD inbound REST service

Adding cloud-based connectivity to your PRVD endpoint

If your SAP system is on-premise or in private cloud - you will need a proxy to enable integration of the cloud based SaaS edition of Shuttle to your deployment of SAP.

A few of the available options to do this may include:

  • A PRVD provide-abap integration package for SAP CPI

  • Running pgrok

  • Using the PRVD provide-abap OpenAPI definition to set up on-prem to cloud connectivity for proUBC

We're seeking open source contributors for the above. Feel free to contact us to learn more!

Last updated