Developer Quick Start

Install and configure provide-abap with abapGit

Heads up! There are a few pre-requisites that need to be fulfilled before proceeding further: abapGit

provide-abap Prerequisites

Install provide-abap via abapGit

Clone the provide-abap repo in your SAP system using abapGit. If it is your first time using abapGit - refer this this how-to guide on using abapGit.

Create the package ZPRVD to save the imported ABAP objects.

Use main branch for latest stable release.

Dev branch contains the latest candidate release.

It's also highly encouraged to clone the repo to your PC's file system so that you can easily access the Postman collection and other support docs/objects not supported by abapGit

git clone

Post-installation steps

Following the installation of provide-abap to your SAP ABAP system, follow these tasks

Once all of these tasks are successfully completed, you are ready for all kinds web3 goodness in your SAP system!

Last updated