
CLI package: baseline

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--api-endpoint string

local baseline API endpoint for use by one or more authorized systems of record


when true, containers are automatically pruned upon exit

--baseline-local-nats-streaming string

hostname for the local baseline NATS streaming container (default "nats-streaming-hostname")

--consumer-hostname string

hostname for the local baseline consumer container (default "baseline-local-consumer")


help for run

--hostname string

hostname for the local baseline API container (default "baseline-local-api")

--jwt-signer-public-key string

PEM-encoded public key of the authorized JWT signer for verifying inbound connection attempts

--log-level string

log level to set within the running local baseline stack (default "DEBUG")

--messaging-endpoint string

public messaging endpoint used for sending and receiving protocol messages

--name string

name of the baseline stack instance (default "baseline-local")

--port int

port to expose on the local baseline API container (default 8080)

--registry-contract-address string

public baseline regsitry contract address (default "0x")

--sor string

primary internal system of record identifier being baselined

--sor-url string

url of the primary internal system of record being baselined (default "https://")


when true, a tunnel is established to expose the endpoint to the WAN

--workgroup string

baseline workgroup identifier



--ident-host string

hostname of the ident service (default "ident.provide.services")

--ident-scheme string

protocol scheme of the ident service (default "https")



--nats-auth-token string

authorization token for the local baseline NATS service; will be passed as the -auth argument to NATS (default "testtoken")

--nats-hostname string

hostname for the local baseline NATS container (default "baseline-local-nats")

--nats-port int

port to expose on the local baseline NATS container (default 4222)

--nats-streaming-port int

port to expose on the local baseline NATS streaming container (default 4220)

--nats-ws-port int

websocket port to expose on the local baseline NATS container (default 4221)



--nchain-host string

hostname of the nchain service (default "nchain.provide.services")

--nchain-network-id string

nchain network id of the baseline mainnet (default "66d44f30-9092-4182-a3c4-bc02736d6ae5")

--nchain-scheme string

protocol scheme of the nchain service (default "https")



--organization string

organization identifier

--organization-address string

public baseline regsitry address of the organization (default "0x")

--organization-refresh-token string

refresh token to vend access tokens for use with the local organization



--privacy-host string

hostname of the privacy service (default "privacy.provide.services")

--privacy-scheme string

protocol scheme of the privacy service (default "https")



--redis-hostname string

hostname for the local baseline redis container (default "baseline-local-redis")

--redis-hosts string

list of clustered redis hosts in the local baseline stack (default "baseline-local-redis:6379")

--redis-port int

port to expose on the local baseline redis container (default 6379)



--sap-api-host string

hostname of the internal SAP API service

--sap-api-password string

password to use for basic authorization against the SAP API service

--sap-api-path string

base path of the SAP API service (default "ubc")

--sap-api-scheme string

protocol scheme of the internal SAP API service (default "https")

--sap-api-username string

username to use for basic authorization against the SAP API service



--servicenow-api-host string

hostname of the ServiceNow service

--servicenow-api-password string

password to use for basic authorization against the ServiceNow API

--servicenow-api-path string

base path of the ServiceNow API (default "api/now/table")

--servicenow-api-scheme string

protocol scheme of the ServiceNow service (default "https")

--servicenow-api-username string

username to use for basic authorization against the ServiceNow API



--vault-host string

hostname of the vault service (default "vault.provide.services")

--vault-refresh-token string

refresh token to vend access tokens for use with vault

--vault-scheme string

protocol scheme of the vault service (default "https")

--vault-seal-unseal-key string

seal/unseal key for the vault service

Last updated