
In order to baseline data from a system of record, an interface must be created to interact with Provide Baseline. The integration interface serves as a bi-directional implementation layer that enables seamless interaction between the system of record and Provide Baseline.

In order to successfully interact with Provide Baseline, the integration interface must support the following functions:

Configuring Middleware

First, you'll need to configure the system of record with information about the middleware to facilitate a connection. The model that the system of record must ingest is contained in the request below:

Configure Middleware

POST https://example.sor.local/proxy_config

Initializes a connection with middleware; URL will vary based on system of record implementation

Request Body

Creating an Object

A Baseline Object is arbitrary data containing the ProtocolMessagePayload. The integration middleware will need to pass this object in accordance with the domain model as agreed upon by the counter-parties and enforced by a prover. The middleware will ingest the ProtocolMessagePayload , return a BaselineRecord, and output a ProtocolMessage to participant middlewares.

Create Object

POST https://baseline.provide.services/api/v1/objects

Creates a baseline Object


Request Body

  "id": "16e9755c-68bf-455f-b662-d383104cc715",
  "baseline_id": "15679071-4a5e-41e3-a495-5d93b478257b",
  "opcode": "BLINE",
  "payload": {
    "proof": "8d8f7498db7aee910428c737d8427ac4add98353f981ca70db07697a091d8c23972b55b0b20fc0eebc1ac6c2ae427d783291c7fcb2e3f7417d279fea78ce1eac2d2293e53579abbef4960a1e290bd023e2999d8ff423d01080d449ce5d14ca89c94e277e8e0bb14fb91a0b71129920ae4411e77685287611f4d2aaf66b8fc5dc",
    "type": "general_consistency",
    "witness": {}
  "type": "general_consistency"

Deleting a Proxy Configuration

In the DevOps lifecycle, it may become necessary to delete a configured middleware on behalf of a tenant. In these cases, the system of record will need to stop sending requests to the middleware associated with the specified organization_id.

Delete Middleware Configuration

DELETE https://example.sor.local/organizations/:id/proxy

Deletes a specified proxy configuration

Path Parameters

Fetching the Object Schema

Because the payload contained within the object supports arbitrary data, it may be necessary to query the stack to retrieve the schema of the object model being used.

Fetch Object Schemas

GET https://baseline.provide.services/api/v1/object_schemas

Returns a list of object schemas within the authorized scope

Query Parameters

  "idoc_type": "INVOIC01",
  "schema": {
    "type": "object",
    "description": "",
    "properties": {
      "control": {
        "type": "object",
        "description": "EDI_DC40",
        "properties": {
          "tabnam": {
            "type": "string",
            "format": "EDI4TABNAM",
            "description": "Table",
            "maxlength": "10"
          "mandt": {
            "type": "string",
            "format": "EDI4MANDT",
            "description": "Client",
            "maxlength": "3"
          "docnum": {
            "type": "string",
            "format": "EDI4DOCNUC",
            "description": "IDoc number",
            "maxlength": "16"
          "docrel": {
            "type": "string",
            "format": "EDI4DOCREL",
            "description": "SAP Release for IDoc",
            "maxlength": "4"
          "status": {
            "type": "string",
            "format": "EDI4STATUS",
            "description": "Status",
            "maxlength": "2"
          "direct": {
            "type": "string",
            "format": "EDI4DIRECT",
            "description": "Directn",
            "maxlength": "1"
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            "format": "EDI4OUTMOD",
            "description": "OutpMod",
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            "type": "string",
            "format": "EDI4EXPRSS",
            "description": "Express",
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            "description": "Test",
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            "format": "EDI4STDVRS",
            "description": "Version of EDI standard",
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            "format": "EDI4STDMES",
            "description": "EDI message type",
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            "description": "Logical address of sender",
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            "description": "Receiver port",
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            "type": "string",
            "format": "EDI4RCVPRT",
            "description": "Part. Type",
            "maxlength": "2"
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            "type": "string",
            "format": "EDI4RCVPFC",
            "description": "Partner Role",
            "maxlength": "2"
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            "format": "EDI4RCVPRN",
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            "maxlength": "21"
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            "type": "string",
            "format": "EDI4RCVLAD",
            "description": "Logical Address of Receiver",
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            "format": "date YYYYMMDD EDI4CREDAT",
            "description": "Created On",
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                  "format": "EDI_KOBTR",
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                  "format": "EDI_TAGE",
                  "description": "Days",
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                  "format": "EDI_PRZNT",
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Health Check

Request to verify that the system of record is online

Health Check - SOR

GET https://baseline.provide.services/api/v1/organizations/:id/proxy

Checks the health of the system of record

Path Parameters

Proxy Health Check

Request to verify that the system of record can communicate with the proxy

Health Check - Middleware

GET https://baseline.provide.services/api/v1/status

Verifies that a system of record can communicate with the middleware

Updating an Object

When updating an object, the baseline_id must be relayed with each request. The functions the middleware integration support are as follows:

Update Object

PUT https://baseline.provide.services/api/v1/objects/:id

Updates a specified Object

Path Parameters

Request Body

Updating an Object Status

Update Object Status

PUT https://baseline.provide.services/api/v1/business_objects/:id/status

Updates the status of a specified Object

Path Parameters

Last updated