
List Nodes

curl -i \
    -H 'Authorization: bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJkYXRhIjp7fSwiZXhwIjpudWxsLCJpYXQiOjE1NTk4Nzg1NzQsImp0aSI6IjYzYTJkY2QzLWI5OTgtNDZjNC1hNzFkLTQ5MjU4YTBhYmEyMyIsInN1YiI6ImFwcGxpY2F0aW9uOmNiMjAzN2Y3LTc5ZmMtNDBmNC05NzIwLWFkYTYzNmRhNDE4MyJ9.NQLm__LbMWor-9GMG0LPcH4yQIbu9Uw70kJfRt1KP64' \
HTTP/2 200
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content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
date: Sun, 09 Jun 2019 08:18:10 GMT
content-length: 2026
x-total-results-count: 1

Response JSON:

        "id": "db51383c-92cd-4f0a-8ce7-881b70c420ea",
        "created_at": "2019-06-09T05:04:23.378247-04:00",
        "network_id": "ef976635-545b-46c6-9576-4e3a893a68e9",
        "user_id": "5183192d-ac85-4c5a-a78d-8031a8d20878",
        "application_id": null,
        "is_bootnode": true,
        "host": null,
        "ipv4": null,
        "ipv6": null,
        "private_ipv4": null,
        "private_ipv6": null,
        "description": null,
        "role": "validator",
        "status": "genesis",
        "config": {
            "client": "parity",
            "container": "providenetwork-node",
            "default_json_rpc_port": null,
            "default_websocket_port": null,
            "engine_id": "aura",
            "env": {
                "CHAIN": "dawn",
                "CHAIN_SPEC_URL": "",
                "CLIENT": "parity",
                "ENGINE_SIGNER": "0x549871a39Eeb7E406C1E4b199A8A46962fB78a9C",
                "FAT_DB": "on",
                "NETWORK_ID": "1560058202",
                "PRUNING": "archive",
                "TRACING": "on"
            "protocol_id": "poa",
            "provider_id": "docker",
            "region": "us-east-2",
            "role": "validator",
            "security": {
                "egress": "*",
                "ingress": {
                    "": {
                        "tcp": [
                        "udp": [
            "target_id": "aws",
            "target_security_group_ids": [
            "target_task_ids": [

List Nodes for a Network.

URL Parameters

Deploy Network Node

Two EVM-based peer node orchestration examples are provided-- one for Geth and one for Parity.

curl -i -XPOST \
    -H 'Authorization: bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJkYXRhIjp7fSwiZXhwIjpudWxsLCJpYXQiOjE1NjAwNTg0NTksImp0aSI6IjU0YWZmMGQ1LTFjY2ItNDRmNy1iYTRiLTExYTA3YWFhZGM2YiIsInN1YiI6InVzZXI6NTE4MzE5MmQtYWM4NS00YzVhLWE3OGQtODAzMWE4ZDIwODc4In0.jI7S0gW__iFjbZi0o8AKyqrH8D01vpCpgV3HOh9TrUE' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ \
    -d '{
    "config": {
      "client": "geth",
      "image": "ethereum/client-go",
      "credentials": {
        "aws_access_key_id": "AKIXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
        "aws_secret_access_key": "75yXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
      "engine_id": "ethash",
      "env": {
        "COINBASE": "0x0619A8589559c88dEe730B5bD2F160D9464b5c64",
        "PEER_SET": "enode://6332792c4a00e3e4ee0926ed89e0d27ef985424d97b6a45bf0f23e51f0dcb5e66b875777506458aea7af6f9e4ffb69f43f3778ee73c81ed9d34c51c4b16b0b0f@,enode://94c15d1b9e2fe7ce56e458b9a3b672ef11894ddedd0c6f247e0f1d3487f52b66208fb4aeb8179fce6e3a749ea93ed147c37976d67af557508d199d9594c35f09@"
      "protocol_id": "pow",
      "provider_id": "docker",
      "region": "us-east-1",
      "role": "full",
      "security": {
        "egress": "*",
        "ingress": {
          "": {
            "tcp": [
            "udp": [
      "target_id": "aws",
      "task_role": "arn:aws:iam::192663109025:role/ecsTaskExecutionRole",
      "entrypoint": [

Response JSON:

  "id": "9389652d-ed8f-4cd3-8268-cb9859024e3e",
  "created_at": "2020-03-10T02:14:28.685367-04:00",
  "network_id": "66d44f30-9092-4182-a3c4-bc02736d6ae5",
  "user_id": "e889edea-580f-40d8-addf-d509dcf7783a",
  "application_id": null,
  "organization_id": null,
  "host": null,
  "ipv4": null,
  "ipv6": null,
  "private_ipv4": null,
  "private_ipv6": null,
  "description": null,
  "role": "full",
  "status": "pending",
  "config": {
    "client": "geth",
    "engine_id": "ethash",
    "entrypoint": [
    "env": {
      "COINBASE": "0x0619A8589559c88dEe730B5bD2F160D9464b5c64",
      "PEER_SET": "enode://6332792c4a00e3e4ee0926ed89e0d27ef985424d97b6a45bf0f23e51f0dcb5e66b875777506458aea7af6f9e4ffb69f43f3778ee73c81ed9d34c51c4b16b0b0f@,enode://94c15d1b9e2fe7ce56e458b9a3b672ef11894ddedd0c6f247e0f1d3487f52b66208fb4aeb8179fce6e3a749ea93ed147c37976d67af557508d199d9594c35f09@"
    "image": "ethereum/client-go",
    "protocol_id": "pow",
    "provider_id": "docker",
    "region": "us-east-1",
    "role": "full",
    "security": {
      "egress": "*",
      "ingress": {
        "": {
          "tcp": [
          "udp": [
    "target_id": "aws",
    "task_role": "arn:aws:iam::192663109025:role/ecsTaskExecutionRole"
curl -i -XPOST \
    -H 'Authorization: bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJkYXRhIjp7fSwiZXhwIjpudWxsLCJpYXQiOjE1NjAwNTg0NTksImp0aSI6IjU0YWZmMGQ1LTFjY2ItNDRmNy1iYTRiLTExYTA3YWFhZGM2YiIsInN1YiI6InVzZXI6NTE4MzE5MmQtYWM4NS00YzVhLWE3OGQtODAzMWE4ZDIwODc4In0.jI7S0gW__iFjbZi0o8AKyqrH8D01vpCpgV3HOh9TrUE' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ \
    -d '{

Response JSON:

    "id": "eb81ab38-4dc6-45c6-8c4d-5d5645fd3079",
    "created_at": "2019-06-09T03:53:50.505646-04:00",
    "network_id": "ef976635-545b-46c6-9576-4e3a893a68e9",
    "user_id": "5183192d-ac85-4c5a-a78d-8031a8d20878",
    "application_id": null,
    "is_bootnode": false,
    "host": null,
    "ipv4": null,
    "ipv6": null,
    "private_ipv4": null,
    "private_ipv6": null,
    "description": null,
    "role": "validator",
    "status": "pending",
    "config": {
        "client": "parity",
        "container": "providenetwork-node",
        "engine_id": "aura",
        "env": {
            "CHAIN_SPEC_URL": "",
            "CLIENT": "parity",
            "ENGINE_SIGNER": "0x549871a39Eeb7E406C1E4b199A8A46962fB78a9C",
            "FAT_DB": "on",
            "NETWORK_ID": "1560058202",
            "PRUNING": "archive",
            "TRACING": "on"
        "protocol_id": "poa",
        "provider_id": "docker",
        "region": "us-east-2",
        "role": "validator",
        "target_id": "aws"

Configure a Node to join a specific peer-to-peer Network. Upon successful validation and creation of the Node the platform attempts to deploy it asynchronously. Depending on the Network (i.e., its consensus protocol, security model, etc.) and the target infrastructure (i.e., AWS, Azure or locally via Docker), various enrichment of the deployed Node occurs.

URL Parameters

Request Parameters

Retrieve Network Node Details

curl -i \
    -H 'Authorization: bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJkYXRhIjp7fSwiZXhwIjpudWxsLCJpYXQiOjE1NTk4Nzg1NzQsImp0aSI6IjYzYTJkY2QzLWI5OTgtNDZjNC1hNzFkLTQ5MjU4YTBhYmEyMyIsInN1YiI6ImFwcGxpY2F0aW9uOmNiMjAzN2Y3LTc5ZmMtNDBmNC05NzIwLWFkYTYzNmRhNDE4MyJ9.0LsVj7oTF0KjwbcUhg9a-fQRWB7cGzKJxLIANeX2cWE' \
HTTP/2 200
access-control-allow-credentials: true
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access-control-allow-methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS
access-control-allow-origin: *
access-control-expose-headers: X-Total-Results-Count
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
date: Sun, 09 Jun 2019 08:18:10 GMT
content-length: 1000

Response JSON:

    "id": "eb81ab38-4dc6-45c6-8c4d-5d5645fd3079",
    "created_at": "2019-06-09T03:53:50.505646-04:00",
    "network_id": "ef976635-545b-46c6-9576-4e3a893a68e9",
    "user_id": "5183192d-ac85-4c5a-a78d-8031a8d20878",
    "application_id": null,
    "is_bootnode": true,
    "host": "",
    "ipv4": "",
    "ipv6": null,
    "private_ipv4": "",
    "private_ipv6": null,
    "description": null,
    "role": "validator",
    "status": "running",
    "config": {
        "client": "parity",
        "container": "providenetwork-node",
        "default_json_rpc_port": null,
        "default_websocket_port": null,
        "engine_id": "aura",
        "env": {
            "CHAIN": "dawn",
            "CHAIN_SPEC_URL": "",
            "CLIENT": "parity",
            "ENGINE_SIGNER": "0x549871a39Eeb7E406C1E4b199A8A46962fB78a9C",
            "FAT_DB": "on",
            "NETWORK_ID": "1560058202",
            "PRUNING": "archive",
            "TRACING": "on"
        "peer_url": "enode://9d83bd776c6cea1f961037ebdd0150b5ba04053038379b3c46293188052e7b98046675f6efaaea6f6851e6c5b651b9d7dd89b734564877744f3b87338090f4ca@",
        "protocol_id": "poa",
        "provider_id": "docker",
        "region": "us-east-2",
        "role": "validator",
        "security": {
            "egress": "*",
            "ingress": {
                "": {
                    "tcp": [
                    "udp": [
        "target_id": "aws",
        "target_security_group_ids": [
        "target_task_ids": [

Retrieve details for a Node.

URL Parameters

Retreive Network Node Logs

curl -i \
    -H 'Authorization: bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJkYXRhIjp7fSwiZXhwIjpudWxsLCJpYXQiOjE1NTk4Nzg1NzQsImp0aSI6IjYzYTJkY2QzLWI5OTgtNDZjNC1hNzFkLTQ5MjU4YTBhYmEyMyIsInN1YiI6ImFwcGxpY2F0aW9uOmNiMjAzN2Y3LTc5ZmMtNDBmNC05NzIwLWFkYTYzNmRhNDE4MyJ9.0LsVj7oTF0KjwbcUhg9a-fQRWB7cGzKJxLIANeX2cWE' \
HTTP/2 200
access-control-allow-credentials: true
access-control-allow-headers: Accept, Accept-Encoding, Authorization, Cache-Control, Content-Length, Content-Type, Origin, User-Agent, X-CSRF-Token, X-Requested-With
access-control-allow-methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS
access-control-allow-origin: *
access-control-expose-headers: X-Total-Results-Count
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
date: Sun, 09 Jun 2019 08:12:47 GMT

Response JSON:

      "message":"2019-07-08 19:59:17 UTC  INFO parity_ws::io  Accepted a new tcp connection from"
      "message":"2019-07-08 19:59:15 UTC IO Worker #0 INFO import  Imported #192496 0x7aa8…ce12 (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 2 ms, 0.57 KiB)"
      "message":"2019-07-08 19:59:12 UTC  INFO parity_ws::io  Accepted a new tcp connection from"
      "message":"2019-07-08 19:59:10 UTC IO Worker #1 INFO import  Imported #192495 0x4e19…cefb (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 1 ms, 0.57 KiB)"
      "message":"2019-07-08 19:59:05 UTC IO Worker #0 INFO import  Imported #192494 0x27be…e262 (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 1 ms, 0.57 KiB)"
      "message":"2019-07-08 19:59:04 UTC IO Worker #1 INFO import     0/25 peers      4 MiB chain   57 KiB db  0 bytes queue 448 bytes sync  RPC:  8 conn,   39 req/s,   53 µs"
      "message":"2019-07-08 19:59:00 UTC IO Worker #1 INFO import  Imported #192493 0xdf5e…5dd3 (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 1 ms, 0.57 KiB)"
      "message":"2019-07-08 19:58:55 UTC IO Worker #2 INFO import  Imported #192492 0x6528…9baf (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 1 ms, 0.57 KiB)"
      "message":"2019-07-08 19:58:50 UTC IO Worker #2 INFO import  Imported #192491 0xff60…1d78 (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 1 ms, 0.57 KiB)"
      "message":"2019-07-08 19:58:47 UTC  INFO parity_ws::io  Accepted a new tcp connection from"
      "message":"2019-07-08 19:58:45 UTC IO Worker #3 INFO import  Imported #192490 0xa9ec…0722 (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 1 ms, 0.57 KiB)"
      "message":"2019-07-08 19:58:42 UTC  INFO parity_ws::io  Accepted a new tcp connection from"
      "message":"2019-07-08 19:58:40 UTC IO Worker #1 INFO import  Imported #192489 0x7560…bf26 (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 1 ms, 0.57 KiB)"
      "message":"2019-07-08 19:58:35 UTC IO Worker #0 INFO import  Imported #192488 0x37c9…7b51 (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 1 ms, 0.57 KiB)"
      "message":"2019-07-08 19:58:34 UTC IO Worker #3 INFO import     0/25 peers      4 MiB chain   57 KiB db  0 bytes queue 448 bytes sync  RPC:  8 conn,   34 req/s,   28 µs"
      "message":"2019-07-08 19:58:30 UTC IO Worker #0 INFO import  Imported #192487 0x6dbc…fe99 (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 1 ms, 0.57 KiB)"
      "message":"2019-07-08 19:58:25 UTC IO Worker #0 INFO import  Imported #192486 0xdd74…d930 (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 1 ms, 0.57 KiB)"
      "message":"2019-07-08 19:58:20 UTC IO Worker #0 INFO import  Imported #192485 0x3d28…e3a4 (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 1 ms, 0.57 KiB)"
      "message":"2019-07-08 19:58:17 UTC  INFO parity_ws::io  Accepted a new tcp connection from"
      "message":"2019-07-08 19:58:15 UTC IO Worker #1 INFO import  Imported #192484 0x1f55…6474 (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 1 ms, 0.57 KiB)"
      "message":"2019-07-08 19:58:12 UTC  INFO parity_ws::io  Accepted a new tcp connection from"
      "message":"2019-07-08 19:58:10 UTC IO Worker #0 INFO import  Imported #192483 0x0f8d…22a4 (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 2 ms, 0.57 KiB)"
      "message":"2019-07-08 19:58:05 UTC IO Worker #2 INFO import  Imported #192482 0xa3c8…5736 (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 1 ms, 0.57 KiB)"
      "message":"2019-07-08 19:58:04 UTC IO Worker #1 INFO import     0/25 peers      4 MiB chain   57 KiB db  0 bytes queue 448 bytes sync  RPC:  8 conn,   30 req/s,   27 µs"
      "message":"2019-07-08 19:58:00 UTC IO Worker #2 INFO import  Imported #192481 0xddcf…e9a5 (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 1 ms, 0.57 KiB)"
      "message":"2019-07-08 19:57:55 UTC IO Worker #3 INFO import  Imported #192480 0x3029…d533 (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 1 ms, 0.57 KiB)"
      "message":"2019-07-08 19:57:50 UTC IO Worker #0 INFO import  Imported #192479 0xfde4…48cb (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 1 ms, 0.57 KiB)"
      "message":"2019-07-08 19:57:47 UTC  INFO parity_ws::io  Accepted a new tcp connection from"
      "message":"2019-07-08 19:57:45 UTC IO Worker #3 INFO import  Imported #192478 0xfbcd…a6c3 (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 1 ms, 0.57 KiB)"
      "message":"2019-07-08 19:57:42 UTC  INFO parity_ws::io  Accepted a new tcp connection from"
      "message":"2019-07-08 19:57:40 UTC IO Worker #1 INFO import  Imported #192477 0xd61e…1642 (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 1 ms, 0.57 KiB)"
      "message":"2019-07-08 19:57:35 UTC IO Worker #1 INFO import  Imported #192476 0x94a5…4621 (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 1 ms, 0.57 KiB)"
      "message":"2019-07-08 19:57:34 UTC IO Worker #0 INFO import     0/25 peers      4 MiB chain   57 KiB db  0 bytes queue 448 bytes sync  RPC:  8 conn,   28 req/s,   24 µs"
      "message":"2019-07-08 19:57:30 UTC IO Worker #3 INFO import  Imported #192475 0xd5a9…d37e (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 1 ms, 0.57 KiB)"
      "message":"2019-07-08 19:57:25 UTC IO Worker #2 INFO import  Imported #192474 0x156d…7941 (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 1 ms, 0.57 KiB)"
      "message":"2019-07-08 19:57:20 UTC IO Worker #2 INFO import  Imported #192473 0x3ba7…5c0e (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 1 ms, 0.57 KiB)"
      "message":"2019-07-08 19:57:17 UTC  INFO parity_ws::io  Accepted a new tcp connection from"
      "message":"2019-07-08 19:57:15 UTC IO Worker #3 INFO import  Imported #192472 0xf47f…a79b (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 1 ms, 0.57 KiB)"
      "message":"2019-07-08 19:57:12 UTC  INFO parity_ws::io  Accepted a new tcp connection from"
      "message":"2019-07-08 19:57:10 UTC IO Worker #3 INFO import  Imported #192471 0x76f8…c20f (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 1 ms, 0.57 KiB)"
      "message":"2019-07-08 19:57:05 UTC IO Worker #2 INFO import  Imported #192470 0x89d4…4923 (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 1 ms, 0.57 KiB)"
      "message":"2019-07-08 19:57:04 UTC IO Worker #2 INFO import     0/25 peers      4 MiB chain   57 KiB db  0 bytes queue 448 bytes sync  RPC:  8 conn,   25 req/s,   41 µs"
      "message":"2019-07-08 19:57:00 UTC IO Worker #0 INFO import  Imported #192469 0xe06b…9704 (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 1 ms, 0.57 KiB)"
      "message":"2019-07-08 19:56:55 UTC IO Worker #2 INFO import  Imported #192468 0x0237…c1b4 (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 1 ms, 0.57 KiB)"
      "message":"2019-07-08 19:56:50 UTC IO Worker #3 INFO import  Imported #192467 0x2898…8953 (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 1 ms, 0.57 KiB)"
      "message":"2019-07-08 19:56:47 UTC  INFO parity_ws::io  Accepted a new tcp connection from"
      "message":"2019-07-08 19:56:45 UTC IO Worker #1 INFO import  Imported #192466 0x069e…06a5 (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 1 ms, 0.57 KiB)"
      "message":"2019-07-08 19:56:42 UTC  INFO parity_ws::io  Accepted a new tcp connection from"
      "message":"2019-07-08 19:56:40 UTC IO Worker #0 INFO import  Imported #192465 0xa2d6…5c03 (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 1 ms, 0.57 KiB)"
      "message":"2019-07-08 19:56:35 UTC IO Worker #0 INFO import  Imported #192464 0x5fe2…f2d3 (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 1 ms, 0.57 KiB)"

Retrieve paginated logs for a network node. Currently the logs are returned sorted by descending timestamp (latest logs at the top). Paging through the logs is currently only supported by this API in that opinionated format; we may add a sort query parameter in the future to allow for ascending access to the logstream.

URL Parameters

Query Parameters

Update a Network Node

curl -i -XPUT \
    -H 'Authorization: bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJkYXRhIjp7fSwiZXhwIjpudWxsLCJpYXQiOjE1NTk4Nzg1NzQsImp0aSI6IjYzYTJkY2QzLWI5OTgtNDZjNC1hNzFkLTQ5MjU4YTBhYmEyMyIsInN1YiI6ImFwcGxpY2F0aW9uOmNiMjAzN2Y3LTc5ZmMtNDBmNC05NzIwLWFkYTYzNmRhNDE4MyJ9.NQLm__LbMWor-9GMG0LPcH4yQIbu9Uw70kJfRt1KP64' \ \
    -d '{
HTTP/2 204

Update a node. This is especially useful when credentials needed to manage underlying infrastructure are rotated. The encrypted configuration stored for the node is patched, such that any sensitive configuration items provided in the request overwrite those items in the encrypted configuration without affecting the rest of the encrypted config.

URL Parameters

Undeploy Network Node

curl -i -XDELETE \
    -H 'Authorization: bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJkYXRhIjp7fSwiZXhwIjpudWxsLCJpYXQiOjE1NTk4Nzg1NzQsImp0aSI6IjYzYTJkY2QzLWI5OTgtNDZjNC1hNzFkLTQ5MjU4YTBhYmEyMyIsInN1YiI6ImFwcGxpY2F0aW9uOmNiMjAzN2Y3LTc5ZmMtNDBmNC05NzIwLWFkYTYzNmRhNDE4MyJ9.0LsVj7oTF0KjwbcUhg9a-fQRWB7cGzKJxLIANeX2cWE' \
HTTP/2 204

Undeploy a Node.

URL Parameters

Network Node Types

Node Configuration Object

Security Configuration Object

Last updated